Please use this form to submit your study for inclusion into our database. It will be checked by a member of the Innovation Growth Lab team, who may be in contact to ask for more information. Your email address * Your name * Title * The name of the study Short summary A brief description of the project's goals and its current state Abstract <p>I investigate how firms should design human/AI collaboration to ensure human workers remain engaged in their activities. I developed a formal model that explores the tension between AI quality and human effort. As AI quality increases, humans have fewer incentives to exert effort and remain attentive, allowing the AI to substitute, rather than augment their performance. Thus, high-performingalgorithms may do worse than lower-performing ones in maximizing combined output. I then test these predictions using a pre-registered field experiment where I hired 181 professional recruiters to review 44 resumes. Iselectedarandomsubsetofscreenersto receive algorithmic recommendations about job candidates, and randomly varied the quality of the AI predictions they received. I found that subjects with higher quality AI wereless accurate in their assessments of job applications than subjects with lower quality AI. On average, recruiters receiving lower quality AI exerted more effort and spent more time evaluating the resumes, and were less likely to automatically select the AI-recommended candidate. The recruiters collaborating with low-quality AI learned to interact better with their assigned AI and improved their performance. Crucially, these effects were driven by more experienced recruiters. Overall, the results show that maximizing human/AI performance may require lower quality AI, depending on the effort, learning, and skillset of the humans involved.</p> The full abstract of the study, if available Links Links to any published papers and related discussions Authors * Affiliations Academic and other institutes that the authors of the study are members of Delivery partner Organisations involved in delivering the trial, if appropriate Year Year Year199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026 Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Journal Journal publishing the study, if available Publication stage * Working Paper Published Ongoing Research Forthcoming Discussion Paper Research theme * Entrepreneurship Innovation Business Growth Country Country or countries where this study took place. Topics What sort of topics does the study cover? Sample attributes Hypotheses / research question Sample Trial population and sample selection Number of treatment groups Size of treatment groups Size of control group Unit of analysis Clustered? Yes No Cluster details Trial attributes Treatment description Rounds of data collection Baseline data collection and method Data collection method and data collected Evaluation Outcome variables Results Intervention costs Cost benefit ratio Reference Citation for use in academic references