Why we did it
With a flexible timeline, the purpose of this asynchronous datathon was to invite researchers to explore EIC data through demonstrator projects, requiring minimal commitment while offering a platform to influence future research, scope collaborations, and work towards impactful publications. The datathon offered researchers the chance to dive into and analyse data from one of the EU’s largest innovation funders. It was a chance to tackle relevant and pressing questions in the field of innovation technology, leveraging the wealth of EIC data. The EIC was eager to make its data available for impactful research, but this required navigating the complexities of permissions and data use. This datathon served as a sandbox with synthetic data to explore how a public funding organisation can share data responsibly and effectively. The resulting projects aim to demonstrate to the EIC and other innovation agencies the valuable insights that can be derived from their extensive, yet underutilised, internal data.
How we did it
This asynchronous datathon managed to solve the privacy issues about data sharing through synthetic data. Data access restrictions precluded sharing with external researchers. Hence, IGL ideated a strategy that allowed researchers to work with a synthetic version of the requested data; their code was then run by IGL on actual data and the anonymised results were shared with the researchers. This approach solved the issue while still creating a sufficiently attractive space for academics to engage with the EIC and provide ideas on the potential of existing data.
You can gain more insights by reading our blog "Exploring policy solutions through synthetic data: Our Datathon experience"