Spotlight: Calling all job market candidates
24 November 2020
The academic job market for economists is different this year: interviews will be conducted online, fly-outs are likely to be virtual, and many departments have postponed their hiring altogether because of the pandemic. At times like this, more than ever, job market candidates need opportunities to share their work and ideas with a wide audience. At the Innovation Growth Lab, we want to do our part and use our platforms to showcase job market papers related to our fields of work.
Who can participate
We would like to feature the work of PhD students and postdocs entering the academic job market this year who study entrepreneurship, business support, science, innovation and technology using empirical methods.
What to expect if you take part
We will feature your job market paper in our newsletter which will be sent out to thousands of academics and policy makers in our research network and beyond on 10 December 2020. If your paper presents results from a randomised controlled trial, we will also add it to our trial database that includes over 150 RCTs from the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship and business support. We may also blog or tweet about your work, and share it with our government and policy partners.
How to take part
The deadline for submissions has closed.
Help us spread the word
Please share this opportunity with job market candidates in your network – and if you haven’t already, subscribe to our newsletter to read about the amazing work of job market candidates this year.
Related initiatives
Jennifer Doleac has curated a Twitter thread showcasing women on the economics job market.
The World Bank’s Development Impact Blog has a Blog your Job Market Paper initiative (submission now closed).