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Showing Life Opportunities: Improving outcomes in online learning at scale in High School – focus on the system

17 July 2023

Igor Asanov, Anastasiya-Mariya Asanov, Thomas Åstebro, Guido Buenstorf, Bruno Crépon, Francisco Pablo Flores T., David McKenzie, Mona Mensmann, Mathis Schulte

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How to organise education online when students cannot go to school? While massive online open courses struggle from low completion rates among voluntary learners, compulsory education at school demands new approaches. Our international research team had to search for these new approaches as we decided to help students in their final years of high school in Ecuador to finish school during the COVID-19 pandemic. When the pandemic broke out in Spring 2020, we were finalising a randomised controlled trial of educational online materials from our programme “Showing Life Opportunities”, which aims to boost high-growth entrepreneurship and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers in Ecuador. Under emergency conditions, we successfully scaled up our programme to cover more than 45,000 students in 1,151 schools across Ecuador. In our study we tested a set of light-touch interventions to improve students’ educational process and knowledge outcomes. A recent paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) describes what we learned from experimenting with light-touch interventions.

Working closely with the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, we recognised that, unlike the massive online open courses focusing on students, we can manage the educational process on different levels – students, teachers, and system. Thus, we decided to experiment on these levels. 

To sum up, we iteratively experimented on different levels of organising the online educational process in schools across Ecuador. Whereas student- or teacher-level interventions showed limited impact, we found that an inexpensive (below 60 cents per student) online learning management system for centralised monitoring improves students’ performance on the knowledge tests. The size of the improvement is similar to large educational interventions in low- and middle-income countries and comparable to how much a student might learn in 71 percent of a year of business-as-usual schooling in grade 12. These findings encourage moving beyond the student level in online education interventions, focusing on a system that unites people to educate and build a better future –  Juntos por la educación! (Together for education).


The results presented build on the more extensive “Showing Life Opportunities” programme funded by the Innovation Growth LabInnovation Poverty ActionLabex-EcodecINCHER-Kassel, and World Bank, provided under the support of the Ministry of Education of Ecuador. There is more to come. Stay tuned!