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Seed Grants


Funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the first round of IGL Seed Grants will support researchers in developing and piloting innovative experimental research ideas. These grants aim to lower the barriers to conducting high-impact experimental research, enabling researchers to implement activities that could lead to the design and implementation of rigorous Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs). The ultimate goal is to generate high-quality evidence on science, innovation, and productivity. The grants are open to researchers worldwide, but the lessons and insights must be applicable to the U.S. context or other OECD countries. We seek experiments that will produce actionable insights, potentially leading to improved programmes, policies, and practices.

Typical funding awards range up to $8,000 USD / £6300 GBP.

Who are we looking to fund 

IGL welcomes proposals from researchers at any university. A maximum of 8 grants will be awarded, with a minimum of 2 specifically reserved for junior or early-career researchers. Additionally, priority will be given to researchers conducting studies in the U.S. and other OECD countries (or that would be relevant in these contexts even if conducted elsewhere).

Eligibility Requirements:

Project duration and funding timeline 

Call Opens: 15 November 2024

Deadline for Proposals: 15 January 2025, 3 pm CET / 9 am ET

Applicants Notified: Week of March 17th

Funds to be utilised by: 28 February 2026

What we are looking for 

We are particularly interested in activities that could lead to an RCT, aiming to generate evidence on effective approaches to advance science, innovation, and productivity. The focus is on early-stage empirical research and trial designs that explore and scope potential interventions, with an emphasis on the foundational steps that lead up to conducting full RCTs.

Examples of such activities include (but are not limited to):

Expenses covered by the grant 

The grant funds may be used to support a variety of research-related activities to support the implementation of a potential future RCT, including but not limited to:

Application process

To apply, researchers must submit their proposals by January 15, 2025, via email to [email protected], using the Narrative and Budget templates provided below.

For more information, please download the full RFP or contact us at the email above.

Remember to apply for the Research Network if you are not already been part of it.

Sign up for the info webinar and Q&A  on: December 3rd, 15:00-14:00 CET.